Liturgical Ministries

“There are different gifts, but the same Spirit; there are different ministries but the same Lord; there are different works but the same God…To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” (1 Corinthians. 12:4-7)

We invite you to participate as a liturgical minister in the following areas:

(if you have any questions, please contact the parish office 276-669-8200 

“Unity in prayer and in the active participation in the celebration of the divine mysteries in the Church’s liturgy contributes in an especially effective way to the wealth of Christian life of both the individual and the community.” (Pope John XXIII)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers assist at Mass in the distribution of the Precious Body and Blood. Training is provided in the fall of the year. To serve in this ministry, you must be a practicing Catholic, age 16 or older, who has been Confirmed, and must presently be in Full Communion with the Catholic Church. We strongly encourage returning Extraordinary Ministers to attend training every year. 


Lectors proclaim the Scripture during parish liturgies. Current and prospective Lectors receive training in how to publicly proclaim the Word of God. Lectors must be practicing Catholics in good standing/Full Communion with the Church. Catholic Teens who are at least age 16+ and have been Confirmed or are currently participating in Confirmation preparation may also serve as Lectors at Mass.

Altar Server

Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass. Catholics who have received their First Holy Communion and who are practicing Catholics in good standing may train as Servers. All Servers, new and returning, are to attend one of the occasional training sessions. Adults and Teens (Grade 8+) may serve as a Thurifer. Thurifers assist the priest at major liturgies and funerals with incensation. Thurifers must be practicing Catholics who have received their First Holy Communion.


Sacristans are of vital importance to our liturgical celebrations. They assume responsibility for setting up for the liturgies (getting the vessels in place, etc.), as well as being sure that the other liturgical ministers (EMHC’s, Readers, Servers, etc.) have arrived. Sacristans work closely with the Pastor. Sacristans need to be familiar with the guidelines and procedures for the other liturgical ministries. Training is provided for those who are willing to volunteer in this capacity.


Ushers serve as greeters before Mass, hand out worship aids, assist people find seats when the church is crowded, take up the collection, guide communion lines, and hand out bulletins at the end of Mass.

Gift Bearers

The Sacristan and Ushers find people before each liturgy for these tasks. If you might be interested in bringing up the gifts at the Offertory, please let us know!!

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