40 Days for Life Kick-off Prayer Gathering 9/17
6:00pm (with pizza at 5:30pm) at St. Anne in the Commons. Gather with prayer warriors and supporters of life from various congregations and faiths to support this fall’s installment the 40 Days for Life Vigil. See more on our Respect Life Ministries.
St. Michael Prayer Service 9/29/24
Join us in honoring our brave first responders and law enforcement at the St. Michael Prayer Service! Date: Last Sunday of SeptemberTime: 30-minute prayer service followed by a reception St. Anne’s Catholic Church will come together to express our gratitude and support for those who serve our community. Medals and prayer cards will be presented…
7/28 4pm – 7pm Parish Picnic
July 28th is our parish patronal feast day (transposed) and we’re continuing the celebration after Masses with a picnic down in the Parish Life Center (gym). The church is providing beverages, hamburgers, hotdogs, and chicken, while parishioners are asked to sign up for a side dish (vegetables, casserole, dessert, etc.). There will be be live…
Praise & Worship Holy Hour 7/15
Join us at 7:00pm 7/15 for an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, with contemporary Praise and Worship music.
Lenten, Holy Week, and Easter Schedule 2024
Ash Wednesday – February 14th Masses Distribution of Ashes & Liturgy of the Word Fridays in Lent Penance Service Last Friday of Lent (First Day of Parish Mission) Last Saturday of Lent (Second Day of Parish Mission) Holy Week Palm Sunday Monday – Wednesday Sacred Paschal Triduum Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Octave of…
Eucharistic Revival Retreat 3/25 – 3/27
Jubilee House and Christ the King parish are hosting an extended Eucharist-focused mission Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week (March 25-27). It’s held in the evenings, beginning at 6pm. Read More Flyer Eucharistic Revival Retreat Day 1: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0844A5AB2DA4FCC25-48582920-eucharistic Eucharistic Revival Retreat Day 2: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0844A5AB2DA4FCC25-48583069-eucharistic Eucharistic Revival Retreat Day 3: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0844A5AB2DA4FCC25-48583215-eucharistic
3/21/2024 Lenten Penance Service
Join us at 7:00pm for our annual Lenten Penance Service on Thursday 3/21/24.
Tea w/ Fr. Tom
Tea with Father Tom is every Thursday at 3:00pm in the Church Conference Room.
40 Days for Life Events
Events continue until November 5th: https://stannes-bristol.org/serve/respect-life/
First Saturday Devotion Begins
Beginning October 7th, coinciding with the annual month of the Rosary, St. Anne is gaining the First Saturday Devotion. We’ll begin at 8:30am with Adoration during which we’ll have: Confessions, the Rosary, and a meditation on a mystery of the Rosary. We’ll conclude with Daily Mass. We should wrap up by 10am or 10:30am. There…