
What is an Endowment Fund?

A permanent endowment fund is an accumulated principal gift which grows over time, the proceeds of which (interest, dividends, etc.) contribute to the yearly needs of an organization. The principal gift accumulates over time, even without new donors, while still providing income for the parish. At St. Anne, our endowment started in 2015 with the diocesan Living Our Mission campaign and has grown to nearly $1M.

Why You Should Give

Contributing to the endowment fund at St. Anne provides long-term financial stability, making funds available for ministries and outreach programs while ensuring the church’s financial health for future needs. It allows you to leave a lasting legacy for future generations and fosters a culture of generosity among parishioners. Endowment funds offer flexibility in how resources can be allocated, providing a financial cushion during uncertain times. By supporting the endowment, you help strengthen the connection between the church and its members, making it a meaningful investment in the church’s future and its ability to serve the community into future generations.

How It’s Managed

All permanente endowments in the Diocese of Richmond are managed by the Catholic Community Foundation. The foundation has a professionally managed portfolio exceeding $230M and adheres to the management standards for institutional funds as outlined in the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act of the Code of Virginia, while investment choices are consistent with Catholic teachings. At St. Anne, an Endowment Committee advises the pastor on how each year’s disbursements might be spent.

Endowment Committee Members

  • Don Shawl (co-chair)
  • Jim Tilley (co-chair)
  • Marilyn Broglio
  • Greg Chudzik
  • Doug Weberling

How to Contribute

Right now, gifts can be made in the form of usual monetary contributions as well as transfers of securities, real estate, or life estate.  As a bequest, gifts can be made by naming the church as a beneficiary of forms of life insurance, retirement accounts (IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc.), the principal of an annuity, a trust, or many others. Please consider being a part of our Lumen Christi Legacy Giving Society, by pledging a gift with your estate.

Restricted Gifts

You may choose to give towards a certain expense, action, ministry, or position. Some examples are:

  • Flowers (in front of the altar, Christmas or Easter flowers)
  • Groundskeeping and Campus Beautification
  • Vacation Bible School (as an evangelization tool)
  • Parish Picnic (food, musician, activities, etc.)
  • Youth Ministry
  • Nursery
  • Housing Assistance (direct or to Bristol Faith in Action)
  • Food and Hunger Assistance
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Music Ministry (ensemble musicians for special liturgies, etc.)
  • Liturgical Supplies (Hosts and Wine for Mass, Candles, etc.)
  • Adult Faith Formation
  • Utilities (electricity, water, gas, garbage, internet)
  • Building Maintenance
  • General Outreach Ministries
  • General Pastoral Administration
  • General Faith Formation

Named Gifts

Endowment Gifts greater than $50,000 may be named in honor or memory of an individual or family. This might apply to the upkeep of an area, for instance, or for an endowed role, like Director of Music, Director of Faith Formation, Director of Youth Ministry, or even support roles like Bookkeeper, Business Manager, Groundskeeper, Parish Secretary, etc.

Prepare Your Gift

Let us help you find the best ways for you to give for the life of the parish.  

Please contact our Director of Stewardship, Vanessa Rebentish at [email protected] or 276.669.8200 x2009

Growth Path

For every $100 of principal investment in the endowment, $4 is available each year as income to St. Anne. Ultimately, St. Anne would like to grow the endowment to cover all expenses of the parish, allowing all weekly parishioner contributions to be directed toward the poor and needy and to evangelize in the area. But, that is a multi-generational goal. Some example stepping stones until that point are:

Total SizeGeneral Description
$1MTuition Assistance for St. Anne Catholic School Students
$2MLiturgy Expenses, Outreach
$5MUtilities (electricity, water, gas, internet, phones, garbage)
$7MMusic Ministry (music director, substitutes and special musicians, materials, upkeep)
$9MAll Faith Formation Expenses (personnel, materials)
$10MYouth, Young Adult Ministry (staff, programs)
$11MSeminarian Expenses, Substitute Clergy, Speakers
$13MAll Clergy-related Expenses
$19MParish Administration (office manager, general expenses, administrative support)
$25MFacilities Costs (regular maintenance, upkeep, contributions to building fund)

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